Currently there are no classes scheduled with in the EMMCO West region, please check back periodically for new information or contact the Regional EMS Educational Institutes for upcoming information on their classes.
Regional EMS Psychomotor Examinations
The Pennsylvania Department of Heath, Bureau of EMS has established the psychomotor examinations to verify competency of skills for all levels of EMS certification.
All Candidates not associated with a regional initial EMS certification class that wish to attend a scheduled exam must contact EMMCO West by email at
Exam requests should be submitted no less than 7 days prior to the scheduled exam date
Please include your name and reason for testing in the email request. Examples include; initial certification testing, retesting of an individual skill or skills or challenging the entire exam for reinstatement or endorsement.
All requests to attend the psychomotor exams will be evaluated on a case by case basis and will be approved based on the amount of available space for that specific exam.
Patient Assessment / Management – Trauma
Patient Assessment / Management – Medical
Bag Valve Mask Ventilation
Oxygen Administration by Non-Rebreather Mask
Cardiac Arrest Management
Patient Assessment / Management – Trauma
Patient Assessment / Management – Medical
Bag Valve Mask Ventilation
Oxygen Administration by Non-Rebreather Mask
Bleeding Control / Shock Management
Cardiac Arrest Management
Joint Immobilization/Long bone Immobilization
Skill sheets can be found at Please select the tab for the level of certification for more information.
Patient Assessment / Management – Trauma
Patient Assessment / Management – Medical
Supraglottic Airway Device
Pediatric Respiratory Compromise
Cardiac Arrest Management
Intravenous Therapy-Bolus
Pediatric Intraosseous Infusion
Random Skill
- Joint Immobilization,
- Long bone Immobilization,
- Bleeding Control / Shock Management
Patient Assessment / Management – Trauma
Dynamic Cardiology
Static Cardiology
Oral Station Scenario A & B
Integrated Out-of-Hospital Scenario
Skill sheets can be found at Please select the tab for the level of certification for more information.
Psychomotor Skills – Click on each skill for video.
Trauma Station
Medical Station
Bleeding Control
Valve Mask
EMMCO West Instructor Course
September 17, 2021 – October 3, 2021
EMMCO West Office
Meadville, PA
Primary Instructor/Course Coordinator: William McClincy
Course Cost: $150.00*
*Includes textbook and lab materials.
• 18 years or older
• Current certification in CPR or CPR Instructor
• Current certification as an EMT or a higher EMS Provider level
• At least 1 year experience in providing EMS as an EMT a higher EMS Provider level
Course Information:
• 44s hour of classroom
• 20 hours
• Eligible for PA DOH EMS Instructor recognition
Registration Information:
• Payments can be made with one of the following:
• Money Orders
• EMS Agency Purchase Order
• EMS Agency Check